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Electrical Video Tips

Our certified electricians understand how important efficiency and safety are to our customers, that is why we recommend electrical work only be done by a professional to ensure everyone's safety and comfort. If you notice any minor or major electrical issues in your home, do not hesitate to give the professionals at Climate Control a call.

Panel Upgrade

The electrical panel is the hub for all electrical activity within your home. The amount of electricity used in your home has likely increased since the panel was first installed and may require an upgrade.

Faulty Switches and Outlets

The switches and outlets in your home can wear out from daily use and become dangerous. Learn the warning signs and how you can make your switches and outlets safer.

Faulty Wiring

Your home wiring may be out of sight, but it shouldn’t be out of mind. Watch for these helpful warning signs to be sure your home wiring is safe.

Circuit Panels

Learn more about the importance of upgrading circuit panels in older homes to keep up with the demands of modern day electricity.

Smoke Detectors Save Lives

Learn why having properly installed and working smoke detectors in your home is important. We’ll also cover various options and features to choose from.